Review: Wow - that was unexpected. The trailer I think that after a fight and Oblivion as yet another grim, full of action, special effects driven sci-fi blockbuster about an alien invasion - which followers could almost vollstä To communicate consistently that long distances are seasoned with almost as much humor as Groundhog Day. Inviting comparisons with Harold Ramis / Bill Murray classic, it was obvious that the premise for loop, but I never expected, to the extent that such comparisons is actually justified, and that this movie really a similar kind of comedy are typing. Fortunately, it is better to it.Most unexpected of all, the main reason it works so well comedic aspects in the first half of the movie is Tom Cruise's character, Major William Cage. This is easily cruises meatiest role of Frank TJ Mackey turn in Magnolia; Watch heroes Stern's poster boy usual: here he plays a very different character? and he really seems to be able to enjoy. I will not give too much, but be prepared to giggle and laugh when you see a new side of Tom Cruise.Yet while this is not nearly as grim as proposed followers, it does not There is definitely a comedy. And it is absolutely full of action, special effects driven sci-fi blockbuster about the fight against an alien invasion (followers understood correctly), albeit with a funny bone and great characters. Speaking of which, the rest of the cast is also very good, especially the beautiful Emily Blunt. It seems that no matter what you do, she comes over and over again, how genuine and real; Here, she manages to present nature - take a hard soldiers experienced other soldiers, as metal bitch (no kidding!) - with just the right touch of vulnerability for them so than to make it believable. Bill Paxton and Brendon Gleeson is always a welcome addition to any film, and while it is great (as usual), character wise, they are still here, you've seen them t , do not have not before. Regarding sci-fi spectacle, which promised descendants, I am happy to report that the film offers. The fight scenes are beautifully orchestrated (not Transformer-style blur if it can not do anything), and there are times when the intensity of fighting is reminiscent of landing at Omaha Beach Saving Private Ryan - no gore apparently (that is based on PG-13). The design of the aliens - production design in general - is incredibly well done, but I'd be lying if I said it was something revolutionary and new, the opportunity was first matrix (is amazing though) So my opinion. With one of the most inventive (adapted) scripts for a (mega-budget), the original film in a long time and the best we've seen Tom Cruise for years, Edge of tomorrow will be giggling and laughing almost as much as the decrease jaw in awe: this is what Hollywood should take in the future as an exciting entertainment plan for the summer. 9 out of 10.Favorite film: |
Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 9e7c8f18d8a01e0bbf47ce7ed09a1ed42b9854d5
Files: 3
Info Hash: 9e7c8f18d8a01e0bbf47ce7ed09a1ed42b9854d5
Language: Eng
Runtime: 113 min
Audio: 5.1
Frame Rate: 24 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 384 kbps
Runtime: 113 min
Audio: 5.1
Frame Rate: 24 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 384 kbps
An attack on a relentless alien race to reach the earth, perfect for any military unit in the world. General William Cage (Cruise) who has never seen a day of combat was unceremoniously dropped in what amounts to a suicide mission is official. A few minutes after his death, Cage, now finds inexplicably thrown into a loop of time, more and more, forcing him to live in a brutal fight, fight and die again ... and again. But each battle, caging rival engage in increasing levels, the Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt) becomes capable of. And as Vrataski Cage and take the fight to the aliens, repeat these steps for each encounter of a closer to defeat the enemy.
| Year: 2014 Genre: Action, Sci-Fi Starring: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton |
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