Monday, August 18, 2014

Need for Speed 2014 (English) Download Free

Seeds 142 Seeds Leechers82 Leechers

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Need for Speed 2014 torrent

Review: I saw an advanced screening of Need for Speed at NAS Pensacola for free and went in with no expectations. I actually expected it to be really bad. But my hand to was awesome. There is not a dull moment in the entire movie. With a countless number of street races, police chases, and car crashes i was entertained throughout its two hour run time. But of course all of this time spent on the action scenes comes at the cost of a well thought out plot. It was pretty formalistic and predictable. but what did you expect from a movie based off a racing video game? There were no stand out performances by the actors but no one was bad either. Kid Cudi played the comic relief and he did a lot better than i expected having no prior acting experience. Overall if youre looking for a very intense and entertaining movie this is it. Hopefully now Aaron Paul wont just be remembered as the guy from Breaking Bad. 8/10

Good 14Bad1

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 2fb1ff6e27959c78b78dcb82ce24ae72f71945be
Language: Eng
Runtime: 132 min
Audio: Dual Audio
Frame Rate: 23.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps

Framed by the murder of a former partner that he did not commit, Tobey Marshall, struggling financially custom car builder and street-racer, spent two years in prison for a second thought. Fresh out of prison, he redeems his studio the fastest car ever built and sold, and try to get in the race mysterious and extremely high-stakes called The DELEON. His purpose; redemption, recognizing the world of racing and to solve his problems. But these pale in comparison & amp; acirc; Therefore, it is driven. Dial. Above all, revenge. This is a story about love, redemption, revenge and oil all twisted together, but above all; His story about fast cars, fast.

Health Health
Year: 2014
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Starring: Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Gravity 2013 Eng Download Free

Seeds 108 Seeds Leechers65 Leechers

Torrent Download

Gravity 2013 torrent

Review: There is a sensational and overwhelming power that Alfonso Cuaróns space thriller Gravity possesses and manages to sustain in its 90 minute run time. I think I left my jaw on the theater floor. There are four things in particular to credit for this occurrence. The first of which being co-writer and director Cuarón, who has constructed one of his finest outings. Gravity breathes in a way I havent seen before and is probably one of the best technical marvels that cinema has offered in the past twenty years. Cuarón handles the film with absolute certainty, restraining himself from committing any science fiction bourgeois, and reinventing the genre in a miraculous execution. Ive never looked at the world of Cinematography with so much respect and adoration until I saw the works of Roger Deakins and now, firmly sitting next to him at the table as the most innovative and brilliant DP working today, Emmanuel Lubezki. Weve all seen what hes accomplished in his Oscar-nominated works in Children of Men, in which he was teamed up with Cuarón, and Terrence Malicks The Tree of Life, both of which resulted in unimaginable losses. A 13-minute opening shot shows his abilities to capture the essence of the now, the feelings that life offers. Real life doesnt cut, Cuarón and Lubezki understand this. The liberties where he chooses to take us, even when we step inside from the cold, lonely edge of space, manages to turn this very simple tale into a full-fledged meditation session with the sooth sounds of composer Steven Price. Visual effects have never been put to better use than what you will witness in Gravity. One of the few films I urge everyone to see on the biggest screen possible. The post-conversion in 3D, although cool at times, was a bit unneeded. It doesnt add to the depth and scope of Cuaróns dramatic endeavor, it actually undersells it as a cheap, blockbuster space movie. An IMAX screen, the largest you can find, with a sound system able to make your eardrums bleed, those are the basic requirements. I havent been in this much awe of a films quality and optics this since I saw Terminator 2: Judgment Day when I was six years old. Avatar and Life of Pi are great spectacles, but this will be revisited in years to come as the bench mark for modern day science fiction. Its this generations 2001: A Space Odyssey.Finally, Ive had a childhood crush on Sandra Bullock since I feasted my eyes on those pretty browns driving a bus in Speed during the early 90s. This manifested into looking at her abilities as an actor with a skewed vision. Shes hinted at this greatness Ive felt she could achieve in films like A Time to Kill, Crash, and her Oscar-winning role in The Blind Side. Sandra Bullock has finally realized her potential as a leading lady and taps into the very essence of the human spirit as Dr. Ryan Stone; a work that stands as her greatest endeavor and her gift to the silver screen. Natural, poised, and fully engulfed, Bullock is absolutely magnificent and in many ways, my favorite performance of the year so far. She rallies an emotional connection from the audience and demands things of herself that she hasnt done before. An Oscar-worthy work that should land her as a Best Actress nominee...and perhaps a winner.George Clooney as Matt Kowalsky is exactly what youd come to expect from the Oscar-winning producer and actor. He utilizes his wit and charm to be a lighter force of our dark tale, and is a perfect balance to Bullocks frantic demeanor. As aforementioned, Steven Prices musical work is tenderly utilized and precisely executed, building up lots of affectionate tones that may leave some audience members in tears. The script by Alfonso Cuarón and son Jonas Cuarón inhabit a rich texture of dialogue that arent thrown in for the sake of breaking the silence. They arent afraid to let the scenery speak for itself or to let the actors portray their emotions in mannerisms, but when they step away from that, everything connects beautifully.Gravi...

Good 25Bad1

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 98ee0422b0da3dc4f1e038c46f9ecfb3b28122bd
Language: Eng
Runtime: 91 min
Audio: AC3
Frame Rate: 29.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps

A & eacute; Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) engineers & oacute; ir amazing healing on a ch & eacute; ad mission strand TABLE la, a sp TABLE Saíre veteran Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney) in command of his last flight before retiring. But Sracfh & eacute; regard ch & eacute; EVA conventional ad Lyrics notes, triobl & oacute; ide. Shuttle destroyed, by f TABLE g TABLE Stone and Kowalsky to hioml TABLE their alone - teannt TABLE in nothing but a ch & eacute; together and spiraling into the black.

Health Health
Year: 2013
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Starring: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris

The Other Woman 2014

Seeds 145 Seeds Leechers98 Leechers

Torrent Download

The Other Woman 2014 torrent

Review: I thought this movie was a great entertainment! I really had a good time watching it. I think the actresses did excellent. I especially loved Cameron Diaz, she is so funny, as always in her movies! Kate Upton did better than I imagined, and concerning Leslie Mann, even though her voice annoys me a bit, I found her great! Thinking back, I think that her voice really suited her character after all. As for Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau, he made me laugh a lot and I really hated his character in the movie. I think that the choice of actors and actresses really paid off and made the movie shine, because I dont think the plot was THAT amazing. In fact, I think the plot/some scenes were quite similar to the movie John Tucker Must Die. So I guess the movie itself lacked some originality. But anyways, I still laughed a lot and considering myself as a really a hard person to make laugh, I was very surprised to find the funny scenes and jokes hilarious.

Good 25Bad5

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 017c964c24f867e8abca764c493d658f258e2657
Language: English
Runtime: 109 min
Audio: 5.1
Frame Rate: 24 fps
Video Bitrate: 5228 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps

P & dropping a RAST discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly Whitten & uuml; ritab get their shattered lives back & otilde; igele track. But when he accidentally meets Eveline husband is cheating, she realizes that they have a lot & uuml, hist, and his sworn enemy can be his biggest S & otilde; ber. If the second case is discovered, k & otilde, ik & uuml three women have reduced rates of each Maat & uuml, ki k dropping a ttemaks his cheating, lying, three-timing SOB.

Health Health
Year: 2014
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Starring: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014 Download Free

Seeds 102 Seeds Leechers52 Leechers

Torrent Download

The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014 torrent

Review: Wes Anderson & euml; & euml is; a & euml; m & euml of the films; original t & euml; Pun & euml;'s today. No & euml; His films can & euml; n & euml categorized; Any & euml; t & euml style; s & ccedil; ant & euml ;. His t & euml; Last, Budapest Grand Hotel, which opened t & Film Festival euml; Berlin continues k & euml, t & euml; trend. This & euml; & euml is; a & euml; story within a & euml; story within a & euml; history. During & euml; & Ccedil; will euml is &, n & euml; was meticulously arranged as a & euml; Pun & euml; n hanging art & euml; a & euml; museums, history & ccedil men; let ur imagjinat Anderson & euml, in his address t & euml; wild. Although the story (with Tom Wilkinson as the author of the story), and history within history & euml; (With Jude Law, as M & euml; young author & Raw Raw F Murray Abraham as the mysterious owner of the Grand Hotel Budapest) has a & euml; t & euml story; directl & euml; rdrejt & n & History ;, euml euml; history within history & euml ;, which p & euml; includes the core of the film and & euml; & euml is; located in & euml; Before the war years & euml;'s s & euml; Big Brother & euml; Bot & euml; ences, & euml; & euml is; a & euml; potersh wild stories & euml, m train. It also has a & euml; & euml list; t & euml; time & euml; t & euml; Jet & euml;'s: Ralph Fiennes, Tilda Swinton, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson & amp; amp; Panum & euml cameos; RTA. It will & euml; k & euml; fied fan & euml, to Anderson, but she & euml; & euml is; m & euml; more & euml; likely t & euml; p & euml intended; theaters r & euml is: drink & art as it euml; & euml is; more & euml; a & euml away; CENTER & euml; euml r & p, r traditional public. Production design and music are & euml; t & euml; Fev & euml; liked and even credit & euml; n & euml; Jan & euml end; b & euml, r & euml; with imagjinat & euml; (And got a & euml; ovation k & euml; mb & euml; public).

Good 18Bad5

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: b5df7c6abfff81617a2cbf07365345d4d99436d2
Language: Eng
Runtime: 100 min
Audio: Dual Audio
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 384 kbps

He enjoyed recalling in our minds for the adventures of COMPREHENSIVE hotel Gustave H, and legendary concierge is ready to consider various wars and no important among Mustafa, lobby and his servant, who became the hope and expect aacute; force. The story is confusing and includes recovery of the target group for war and intimate friend of Renaissance painting - the whole back of the counter-drop suddenly and dramatically changed is contained.

Health Health
Year: 2014
Genre: Comedy
Starring: Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham, Mathieu Amalric

Despicable Me 2 2013 HDXviD.AQOS (amr200900) Download Free

Seeds 132 Seeds Leechers90 Leechers

Torrent Download

Despicable Me 2 2013 torrent

Review: I went & eacute; to dt & iacute; The pr & amp; eacute; -visualiza & amp; Primary furrowed brow color phicti Lyrics rlann my friend on the scann TABLE n, and & amp; eacute; fi Lyrics n & iacute; better than the TABLE The O & eacute; scann ad TABLE n! I s & amp; oacute; Saw m & eacute; The O & eacute; scann ad TABLE n a d & eacute; ana & iacute ;, and I liked nd TABLE & iacute ir; & eacute re ;. In the Primary Color'd definitely want to go to fheice TABLE on the scann TABLE n i & amp; iacute; rut, but my ph TABLE & iacute Court; I want to go and fheice TABLE on the r & eacute; amhamharc inn & eacute; with, and relut & amp; acirc; NCIA, a d & Lyrics court m & eacute; yes. Of ghn TABLE th, the second scann TABLE in which & eacute; n & iacute not; better than the TABLE The O & eacute; One ad, but Liri & iacute; boy m & eacute; m & iacute; should! Liri & iacute; m & eacute; by g TABLE & iacute ire out tr = d the scann TABLE their all, so Liri & iacute; Everyone in the plat & amp; eacute; went, Liri & iacute; TOTA TABLE n of! Liri & iacute; Steve Carrells character, GRU, TABLE HIL; river. I think f & eacute; between the Agreement everyone ;, Lyrics & iacute tr; & Amp; eacute; Liri & iacute; m, the minions of the best characters in the scann TABLE n. My friend d Lyrics I saying that the STI had Lyrics & oacute cur = ir & iacute; & Oacute; r TABLE little id and did the voices, and Liri & iacute; m & eacute; The-t & oacute; gtha as T TABLE Lyrics T ;; Is f & eacute; between to hear TABLE in dteagmh TABLE ecirc England and, in every word of Lyrics Lyrics The ;. Court Ent & amp; atilde, the m TABLE TABLE T s; Lyrics T ;; TABLE j; saw the ch & eacute; scann ad TABLE n, and s & eacute ;, liked the & amp; PH TABLE hesitate IRT v & amp; ecirc; him when Liri & iacute; s & eacute; that offices Lyrics multiple out 28 June. And m TABLE T TABLE T Lyrics The ;; Lyrics f & oacute; sn Primary Color saw the ch & eacute; scann ad TABLE n, c & eacute n f TABLE th the Primary Color?

Good 22Bad5

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: e388671f2e820688c68a038087bf433934ecb2f9
Language: English
Runtime: 98 min
Audio: AC3
Frame Rate: 29.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 2924 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps

While Gru, the former Supervillain s & auml; & auml, R & auml; & auml; LIVESTOCK & auml, m & auml; e & amp; igrave; node v & amp; agrave; try & auml; & auml; to be honest the business jams, ph & amp; ograve; ng th & amp; iacute; b & amp; iacute arctic el & auml, also; e & amp; aacute bile, nh theft. C & amp; The anti-aacute C solve the Villain & amp; oacute; needs a gi & amp; uacute p v & amp; agrave support; Georgia recruiting study. C & amp; ugrave; aacute ng with C & amp; C & amp; L yacute University; AVL eccentric, Lucy Wilde, Georgia concluded that: & was seized; ep & auml; illyt ch & amp; iacute; 'S & amp; ocirc nh, ng l & amp; agrave; Supervillain dead, El Macho, c & amp; oacute; teen-ik & auml; son m & amp; igrave; nh L & amp; agrave well; L & amp; agrave meter & was seized; Siirt & auml; & auml; g & amp; aacute; & Amp; ocirc big i, ng, Margo. It's & auml, users & auml; & auml; the m & amp; ugrave; by overprotectiveness m & amp; igrave; nh children's m & amp; igrave; node v & amp; agrave; a collection of h & amp; uacute; Keskin & auml; ist & auml; ng R & amp; agrave, y c & amp; agrave; the growth of m & amp; igrave ng, NH Lucy, Gru's & auml, users & auml; & auml; menev & auml;'s v & auml; & auml r & auml; & auml;'s direction, even though the ch & amp; iacute; L & amp; agrave; & Amp; Ocirc h & auml; nnystelij & auml, t, ng are silent & pid seized; was oacute c & amp; c & amp; h agrave; ng vaihteluv Try not li a number of items E & amp; iacute; ch poor.

Health Health
Year: 2013
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Starring: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Bratt

Fury 2014 [PDVD]

Seeds 142 Seeds Leechers87 Leechers

Torrent Download

Fury 2014 torrent


Good 9Bad1

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 985b31ff2900ab9af97675cf1fd8adf1dd22716d
Language: English
Runtime: 100 min
Audio: 2.1 Stereo
Frame Rate: 29.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 3226 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps

April & amp; iacute L 1945 As bandalagsr & amp; iacute applicant to make a final & amp; yacute, TA, and Thorn, their & amp; iacute; European & amp; oacute, said Police & scaron, and, battle hardened army you & amp; ETH; & Amp; Thorn J & amp; aacute; LFi called Ward Addy (Brad Pitt) commands Sherman linens and ETH, dragons and five him & scaron; men and aacute H & amp; ouml; Footnote her & amp; aacute; banv & amp; At & scaron, and Studios, num Projects & amp; aacute; landsv & amp; On & scaron; Studios, and ETH, I & amp; oacute; customer. Professional and ETH, I was born and outgunned, Ward Addy and his face is too strong I & amp; ETH heroic efforts and Thorn, its for the ETH; SL & amp; aacute; & Amp; Iacute; heart of Nazi and thorn; & Amp; yacute; will ands.

Health Health
Year: 2014
Genre: Action, Drama, War
Starring: Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf

Monday, August 11, 2014

Homefront 2013 DVDRip-AVC English Download Free

Seeds 102 Seeds Leechers73 Leechers

Torrent Download

Homefront 2013 torrent

Review: Jason Statham movies about the same thing at first glance, pretty & ccedil; axis. Some are quiet, it's an unusual d & ouml, y & uuml; using c skills, kept the guys against the bad guys. Our final slap in the s & uuml west; rətli a gun. This time, Jason Statham g & uuml, man is raising his daughter after his wife and mother, scholarships & uuml d & ccedil; & uuml; DEA agent & ccedil, to sowing. . They will move to Louisiana and daughter təcav & uuml by the local bully, z is of the quiet city when settled, a & ccedil; overflown & ouml else, l & ccedil; & uuml, s & uuml; kicked him - well, he was fat & ccedil; əllək lards aware of it before it broke his nose. Next, the mother of one & ccedil; axis y & uuml; ksək, Kate Bosworth unknown, we have two daughters g & ouml, r & uuml; Smek and h & ouml Statham; rmətsizlik. His wife, the brother of the local meth kingpin Statham leave the park with two of the h & uuml him, cum & ccedil, I got used to, do not fear, it's James Franco k & ouml; Labour. Back to the beginning of the story and some character development ccedil hold; earnings Stathams and the secret police are engaged in real life. & Ccedil, ok, in my opinion, under-rated Frank Zito, bent on revenge for the theft of a motorcycle gang leader, a & ccedil; Relations sequence, and the villain in this case there are two character actors. Some non-standard d & ouml, y & uuml, city scenes, explosions, and & ccedil; close Franco-axis g & ouml Statham; stərmək this movie is actually pretty g & ouml, private, and provided them down. Jason Statham in the movie, but the g & uuml, cl & uuml; Zito Franco and helping actors, both in & ccedil; cent ouml time and b &, y & uuml k antagonists often stole the show. Action fans to the latest action hero in this genre mix of action and drama of the last z & ouml; will vq. 100 minutes, long enough to keep your interest & uuml; & ccedil; & uuml, n. Təəcc & uuml, bl & t & ccedil uuml ;, Stathams end, to which the film has some elements of his stories. In the meantime, for any b & ouml, y & uuml k m & uuml; kafat not win, this film ask others to action movie lovers & uuml; & ccedil; & uuml n a decent night's seek & uuml; & ccedil; & uuml n is sure.

Good 14Bad0

Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 7f4efbdddefb110087895fad57414adcd9762b72
Language: English
Runtime: 100 min
Audio: 2.1 Stereo
Frame Rate: 29.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps

Phil Broker, former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis in their action & oacute; against a gang of bikers go very wrong then, and it has cost the life of the son of his boss. The & uacute Last time a v & iacute; dua and a daughter, 9 years old, Maddy went. The excitement & oacute; the turbulent life and indicated by b & eacute; Maddy decides to withdraw from a small town. Her daughter was a boy, his intimidaci & oacute; school and go to the battle gets underway events that culminate in his confrontation with the m & egrave; & ccedil method of displacement; catkins of local drug kingpin. Biker gang in his hist & ograve; would pass east & aggravation; Entering the arena, the q & uuml; esti & oacute; m becomes Google AdSense is complex. For ograve &; East & aggravate his head; on a mission & oacute; to protect your daughter and ask who is willing to pay any price.

Health Health
Year: 2013
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Starring: Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder